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24-hour smart library to open soon

Date:2018-03-15 14:26|Source:|Font Size: AAA

A 24-hour smart library at SIP's Xinghai Life Square is expected to come into soft opening soon after the completion of its interior decoration.

The new-type library, with a land area of 30 sqm, is designed to give the booklovers a variety of unique experiences. The readers can enter it through a facial recognition system and use the self-service kiosks to apply for a library card and borrow and return any of its 3,000 paper books. People with 600 or more Zhima Credit scores can borrow the books without library card or cash pledge.

Moreover, the library has a comfortable capsule-shaped space for people to listen to radio books as well as nearly 2,000 e-publications that people can download into their mobile phones and read anywhere they want.

It is reported that another library of the kind is scheduled to be set up in Creative Industry Park later this year and eight more in other places by 2020.

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