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Jimmy Liao's solo exhibition underway at Suzhou Eslite Bookstore

Date:2019-02-12 13:51|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The "All of My World is You" Jimmy Liao 20th Anniversary Exhibition kicked off at Suzhou Eslite Bookstore, SIP on Nov 9 and will last till Jan 6, 2019. On display are 100 painting works by renowned Taiwanese picture book writer and illustrator Jimmy Liao. The writer gave a talk at the bookstore on Nov 11, sharing his experiences since he took to picture book creation in 1998 and the stories behind his works.

Jimmy, or Ji Mi, the writer's Chinese pen name brought about by his English name, has published 66 books so far, and many of them have been translated into different languages in 20 countries and regions and some adapted into animated cartoons, films and musicals. Among his most popular books are Secrets In The Forest, A Fish With A Smile, Turn Left, Turn Right which boast unique narrative style and creative incorporation of poetry that has won him numerous fans of different ages and a long list of awards home and abroad.

The exhibition at Suzhou Eslite Bookstore is reportedly the first of its kind in Chinese mainland and the opener of Jimmy's four-leg exhibition tour that will also cover Taipei, Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The exhibit boards looking like curving white ribbons are also an eye-catcher, symbolizing "flying" that is a theme of many of Jimmy's works.

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