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YLPTR 3-on-3 basketball game to continue in August

Date:2019-02-12 13:29|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP YLPTR Development Co Ltd, sponsor of the 3-on-3 basketball games at SIP's Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort (YLPTR), recently announced that this year's fifth game of the kind will kick off at Xinghua Street Tourist Center on Aug 18.

The event is scheduled to have 16 teams competing in it. Each team should consist of three to four members. Each match will last 10 minutes, during which the team that first scores 21 points or more will win. In case of a tie, overtime will be employed.

The top three place winners will take home money awards ranging from RMB 500 to 2,000, and the champion team will gain the entry to the finals at the end of the year.


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