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Irish sculptor's installations being constructed at YLPTR

Date:2019-02-12 13:33|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Five fantastic installations designed by Irish sculptor Linda Brunker are expected to be completely unveiled to the public next month after nearly two years of construction at SIP's Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort (YLPTR).

Linda Brunker is an internationally renowned artist who makes sculptures on all scales from monumental corporate and public sculptures to small tabletop pieces in bronze or stone. She typically incorporates elements taken from nature such as leaves, feathers or shells into her works that embrace harmony between human and nature. This perfectly meshes with YLPTR's development concept of providing excellent environment for visitors to pursue physical health and spiritual peace in nature.

The installations, due to complete next week, boast flowing shapes that respectively echo the rhythms of fire, trees, wind, land and water. They will surely amaze the viewers.

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