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Jinji Lake Tunnel to start construction in March

Date:2019-02-12 14:02|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP Planning and Construction Committee unveiled the construction plan for Jinji Lake Tunnel on Jan 14, announcing that the tunnel and related ramps are scheduled to start construction in March and come into service at the end of 2022.

The two-way six-lane tunnel reportedly will be 5.35 kilometers long, including an about-3-kilometer section in the Jinji Lake. Plus the ground sections, the whole project will extend for 6.04 kilometers from Xinghai Street at the lake's west bank to Nanshi Street at the east bank. It is expected to help significantly decongest traffic and boost development on both sides.

Several preparatory projects were launched last autumn to rearrange traffic routes and pipelines in the zones involved and build temporary bridges for use in the construction period.

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