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Ding Lixin: Make online administrative services as easy as online shopping

Date:2020-07-30 15:48:46|Source:|Font Size: AAA
SIP Administrative Committee director Ding Lixin and his contingent conducted a survey on SIP’s one-stop administrative service system (one.sipac.gov.cn) on July 28, learning about the building and operation of the system and offering instructions on its future development. 
It is learnt that the system formally came into service in July 2019 and was recently upgraded, currently with about 2,000 online services involving 24 local authorities at different levels. The services boast simplified and integrated procedures to provide maximum convenience to residents and enterprises in SIP.
Based on the survey results, Ding gave high praise to the system’s development so far, and encouraged the local authorities to enhance efforts to make more administrative services available online.
“We should make online administrative services as easy as online shopping,” he said.
Lin Xiaoming, deputy director of SIP Administrative Committee, specified the tasks for the future building of the system from the perspectives of technical improvement and the development of related service evaluation and coordination mechanisms. 
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