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Leaders of people’s congress committee make a survey tour to DLSEIZ

Date:2020-06-28 10:49|Source:|Font Size: AAA
Zhang Yongqing, director of SIP People’s Congress Working Committee, and Sun Yanyan and Xia Fang, deputy directors of the committee, visited SIP’s Dushu Lake Science & Education Innovation Zone (DLSEIZ) on June 22 for a survey on its development. 
Zhang and his contingent first had a tour around the local nanotech cluster Nanopolis Suzhou and biomedicine cluster BioBAY, and learnt details about the clusters’ development plans and the conditions of the enterprises in them. 
The survey team then attended a symposium with several officials from the DLSEIZ authorities, and listened to their introductions to DLSEIZ’s efforts and achievements in promoting win-win cooperation between schools, companies and research institutes, introducing new businesses and research organizations, cultivating high-caliber talents and other aspects. Based on that, Zhang offered advice on DLSEIZ’s future development from such perspectives as industrial layout, business services and policy making, hoping DLSEIZ can develop into a new driver for SIP’s innovative development.
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