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Authorities dialogue with enterprises with aim of driving faster development of service industry

Date:2023-03-13 15:56:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

A number of officials from the Administrative Committee of SIP’s Jinji Lake CBD and several other authorities met with the executives of 11 services enterprises in the CBD recently to learn about the enterprises’ needs as the basis for future services for them.

At the meeting, the official from SIP Economic Development Committee gave the participants a specific introduction to SIP’s “620” action plan which is devised to offer preferential policies and rewards to enterprises engaged in 20 segments of the service industry in six industrial clusters.

In the later exchange session, the representatives from ByteDance, Hotta Games, Tus-Design and other enterprises introduced their enterprises’ conditions and shared their opinions on upgrading of local authorities’ business services.

March 10, 2023

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