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Youngsters grow trees to celebrate Chinese Arbor Day

Date:2023-03-14 16:06:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

A group of youngsters who are members of the “Jinji Lake Little Water Drops” volunteer team and a number of teachers and pupils from SIP Xingzhou Primary School recently grew trees on one side of the Hubin Avenue near Jinji Lake to mark the Chinese Arbor Day or Tree Planting Day that is observed annually on Mar 12.

The little volunteers who participated in an event of the same kind last year seemed quite “proficient” in planting trees. They grew Yulan magnolia, plum, cherry and other flowering trees in the hope of making the avenue more beautiful.

The participants also put up nameplates with their names on the trees so that they can easily identify the trees the next time they visit them.

March 13, 2023

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