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Spaces under overpass decorated beautiful

Date:2023-03-16 16:04:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP’s Loufeng Sub-district spent four months decorating an 852-meter-long road section under the overpass of the Suzhou East Ring Road. The piers were painted, and the spaces between them look like gardens.

The project was part of the local urban renewal effort which is aimed at creating a more delightful environment for local residents.

The project covers a total area of 7,350 square meters. The renovated spaces now have various plants, beautiful lamps and gravel pavements, and even the ground of the nearby bus stops has a new look.

“We will begin to renovate the Xiandai Avenue-Xinsu Road and Dongxing Road-Suzhou Avenue sections next month,” said an official from the sub-district office.

March 15, 2023

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