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Labor dispute mediation committee for workers in the MCN sector formed in DLSEIZ

Date:2023-03-14 15:04:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The Da Yu Labor Dispute Mediation Committee and People’s Mediation Committee were inaugurated at Suzhou Da Yu Digital Culture Technology Group Co Ltd in SIP’s Dushu Lake Science & Education Innovation Zone (DLSEIZ) on Mar 10 to deal with work-related disputes in the MCN (multi-channel network) sector.

A multi-channel network (MCN) is a company or entity that works with multiple channels and content creators to promote successes on streaming video platforms.

The committees at Da Yu are the first of their kind in Suzhou, marking a significant progress in protecting the rights and interests of freelancers in the MCN sector and workers engaged in related new types of business.

After the inauguration, the officials from several SIP authorities and a number of experts in labor dispute mediation discussed a series of issues concerning identification of legal relationship between MCN organizations and online influencers.

March 13, 2023

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