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SIP provides a full chain of services for talents

Date:2022-08-02 09:58:29|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Following the conclusion of the SIP leg of the 2022 (14th) Venture Week for International Elites (VWIE) in Suzhou, SIP is expected to welcome a new cohort of talents attracted through the event.

SIP has been improving its policies and services with the aim of luring as many talents as possible to the area. It released the iHome platform at the 2022 VWIE-SIP to provide information about 26,000 houses and policies tailored for various talents. It has established two international schools and launched cooperation with a number of overseas schools to ensure the children of introduced talents receive a good education.

On the other hand, SIP offers all-around support for talents to land jobs or launch their own businesses in the area. During the 2022 VWIE-SIP, the iDream platform was put into operation to offer online information about jobs and policies to high-caliber talents.

In addition, SIP runs the “Jinji Lake Partners” program to lend leading startup founders and key tech companies a hand in their development, from business operations to intellectual property protection and recruitment.

SIP has also launched a series of programs to give businesses direct financial support or help them find partners for financing. SIP e-Financing, an online financial service market, has given hundreds of businesses a helping hand in raising funds.

SIP’s Jinji Lake Roadshow Center has hosted more than 200 events over the past four years to link over 2,300 projects with investors.

The Jinji Lake Talent Policy Calculator that was put into use in SIP last year can help users quickly find the talent policies they need and easily finish their applications online.

SIP established the Suzhou Industrial Park One-stop Service Centre for Expats last year to provide 76 services to help expats in SIP get used to local life.

July 29, 2022

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