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Authorities take action to regulate operations of waste recycling businesses

Date:2022-08-11 10:00:33|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Several authorities of SIP’s Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort and Weiting Sub-district recently took a joint action to regulate the operations of local waste recycling businesses, with the purpose of ensuring workplace safety and improving environment.

The action was focused on curbing illegal modification and use of plants, stopping solid waste disposal and waste water discharge that can cause pollution to environment, and urging safe use of electricity and gas for fire prevention.

Under the action, the authorities conducted inspections over 26 waste recycling businesses, and ordered nine of them to close down or relocate, placed eight on file for further investigation, and asked nine to make rectifications.

In the process, the authorities explained in detail the importance of safety and environmental management to the businesses. They said supervision over waste recycling businesses would be enhanced in the future.

August 9, 2022

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