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Summer vacation events in community allow youngsters to enjoy the fun of learning

Date:2022-08-09 10:02:03|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Badi Community in SIP’s Weiting Sub-district recently organized a variety of events that offered the participating youngsters opportunities to learn new knowledge and skills in interesting ways.

In a law-themed summer camp, 40 children had a tour around SIP People’s Court, and six of them had the chance to participate in the moot court. Through the tour, the children gained some basic knowledge of law as well as a strong sense of justice.


In another event, the participants learnt to fly an airplane with the help of a VR flight simulator.


There are also various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) classes devised for youngsters of different ages. In the precious sessions, the participants learnt to make paper planes and build small electric fans, and in the following sessions, they will have chances to do various scientific experiments and conduct astronomical observations.



August 5, 2022

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