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SIP’s Administrative Service Map upgraded again

Date:2022-08-10 10:12:47|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP’s Administrative Service Map, which was put online last February for the purpose of improving local administrative service efficiency, was upgraded for the second time this year, following a version with information in English, Korean and Japanese was released in March.

The latest version of the e-map provides information about 680 parking lots across SIP.

In addition, information about 78 elderly service organizations, three child service organizations and two vehicle management centers was added, and the number of pet vaccination sites covered by the map has increased to 29.

In addition to the location, telephone number and working hours of the service outlets, the map releases announcements of these service outlets such as those on temporary closedown and service adjustment.


Moreover, users now can make appointment with SIP Real Estate Transaction Management Center for a service related to real estate transaction.

Users can get access to the map through the website and WeChat account of SIP Service Online, a one-stop online administrative service system, or through a self-service kiosk linked with the system.

August 8, 2022

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