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Vaccination buses drive into communities for convenience of seniors

Date:2022-05-25 10:16:15|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Recently, several vaccination buses visited two communities in SIP’s Shengpu Sub-district to deliver the last-mile service for senior residents to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

In Shizhen Community, the vaccination site was equipped with chairs so that seniors could sit in a line to wait for the vaccination. Moreover, hot water and warm pastes were prepared to help the seniors fend off the cold due to a sudden drop in air temperature after a rain on the day.

The medics carefully inquired of the seniors about their health conditions before giving the injection of the vaccine, and community workers chatted with the seniors during their 30-minute stay for observation against serious allergic reactions.


On the vaccination site of Yuandong Community, a number of community workers and volunteers provided assistance for senior residents throughout the whole process.

It is reported that the vaccination buses offered 667 shots in total, of which 112 were given to people aged above 60, including 36 given to those accepting the first shot.

May 23, 2022

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