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BISTRO BY TBOAT is a good place for gatherings

Date:2022-01-27 09:44:43|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The huge French windows, retro photo wall, comfortable chairs, soft lighting and open kitchen together create a stylish, relaxed atmosphere, making the restaurant an ideal place for enjoying several happy hours with friends, or simply staying alone. The delicate food allows the diners to forget their unhappiness, while the wine helps get rid of the negative energy in the body. In BISTRO BY TBOAT, everyone can find the most comfortable way to enjoy themselves.



The food and wine make people feel warm and relaxed. BISTRO BY TBOAT has carefully chosen the wines to ensure they perfectly match with the dishes and add to their taste.



As night falls and delightful music rises, the restaurant gradually goes busy, full of people enjoying their meals. The fashionable spaces, the glass cabins and the terrace garden decorated by green plants are all good places for gatherings and solitude. The restaurant turns to be a harbor that offers positivity, warmth and peacefulness.


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