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SESS sets up nucleic acid testing shelter in its premise in SIP

Date:2022-01-28 09:36:52|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Samsung Electronics (Suzhou) Semiconductors Co Ltd (SESS), an arm of South Korean multinational conglomerate Samsung in SIP, opened a nucleic acid testing shelter at a corner of its parking lot on Jan 25 to perform nucleic acid tests on its employees who need to show a negative test result when returning to their hometowns for the Spring Festival holiday that will begin on Jan 31.

The shelter features a totally closed design with a positive-pressure ventilation system. The medics work behind a glass screen with two holes sealed by rubber gloves. It is capable of testing about 150 people each day.

The employees appreciate the company’s thoughtfulness. Compared with waiting in a long queue at the nearby testing sites, they can now get the test result faster.

January 26, 2022

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