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New Year celebrations paired with law promulgation campaigns

Date:2022-01-26 09:44:59|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP’s Jinji Lake Sub-district recently saw a variety of events featuring the combination of celebrations for the upcoming Chinese New Year and campaigns for law promulgation.

International Waterfront and Binhu communities invited calligraphy enthusiasts to write traditional Chinese couplets for residents and construction workers, and also invited lawyers to expound on laws on financial swindles, drunk driving and use of fireworks to them, calling on them to be cautious against fraud, pay attention to safety protection and avoid excessivedrinking during the festival.

Jingcheng Community hosted a parent-child event where over 30 youngsters and their parents learnt to make paper-cuts and gained knowledge on laws during the process.

Sijixin, Xinggui and Zhongyue communities organized knowledge contests to help local residents better understand the country’s Civil Code.

January 24, 2022

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