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SIP leads the way in Suzhou in pay for enterprise employees

Date:2022-01-24 10:02:47|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP Human Resources Development Co Ltd (also known as O-HR), an HR service company in SIP, announced on Jan 20 the results of its three-month survey on employee pay and benefits in Suzhou’s key industries in 2021. The report said SIP ranks first for the fifth straight year in the 50th percentile (median) salary, which was RMB 107,201 in SIP compared with RMB 98,140 in Suzhou.

O-HR said the survey gathered more than 300,000 pieces of data from 61 subdivisions of 13 industrial sectors covering 544 enterprises in Suzhou. The report includes general introductions to the enterprises as well as their staff salaries, wages and welfare.

According to the report, despite the global pandemic, pay raise percentage in the biomedical sector in Suzhou reached 9.3% last year, up 2.3% year-on-year. Besides, the report shows the changes in the employment structure in manufacturing, education and other sectors and the changes in pays thereby.

January 20, 2022

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