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SIPMSB inspects drugstores and vaccination organizations to ensure effective COVID-19 prevention

Date:2022-01-27 09:55:32|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Considering the recent rebound of the COVID-19 epidemic in parts of the country, SIP Market Supervision Bureau (SIPMSB) carried out a series of inspections over local drugstores and vaccination organizations in order to ensure effective COVID-19 prevention.

The action covered all of the 279 drugstores in SIP, requiring them to remind their staff and customers of wearing a mask and obeying other rules for epidemic prevention as well as make specific records of the sales of antipyretics, antitussives and antiviral and antibiotic drugs. Nineteen of the drugstores with loopholes in their anti-epidemic measures have been urged to make rectifications immediately.

Apart from that, SIPMSB’s inspectors also inspected five vaccination buses that were recently put into use in SIP in a bid to provide convenience for residents to receive COVID-19 vaccines near their homes. The inspection focused on checking the delivery, storage and use of vaccines and the precautions against coronavirus. SIPMSB requires the organizations in charge of the operation of the vaccination buses to conduct checks of their vaccines at regular intervals to ensure safety.

January 25, 2022

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