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Young Entrepreneurs Harbor hosts information session

Date:2021-10-21 10:03:28|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Young Entrepreneurs Harbor, a community of young entrepreneurs in SIP’s Dushu Lake Science & Education Innovation Zone (DLSEIZ), hosted the first information session themed “1 Talent 1 Topic” on Oct 13, giving 15 young entrepreneurs who run startups in it a helping hand in understanding SIP’s policies for leading talents and high-tech enterprises.

In the event, two experts from SIP-based National University Science Park gave the participants specific introductions to a series of preferential policies for leading talents and high-tech enterprises in SIP, and expounded on the procedures of applying for related accreditation and privileges. They also provided advice on startup founding and operation for the young entrepreneurs based on real cases.

It is learnt that the “1 Talent 1 Topic” information is scheduled at Young Entrepreneurs Harbor every half a month to help young entrepreneurs learn experience, understand policies and seek advice for the operation of their businesses.

October 19, 2021

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