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Shen Mi makes a survey tour in YLPTR

Date:2021-09-18 09:43:46|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Shen Mi, member of the Standing Committee of CPC Suzhou Committee and secretary of CPC SIP Working Committee, and his contingent visited SIP’s Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort (YLPTR) on Sept 16 for a survey on its development.

The officials had a tour around Suzhou Village, an outlets mall which is a member within British company Value Retail’s Bicester Village Shopping Collection, CSSD Ecological Science & Technology Hub, a complex embracing eco-friendly commercial and industrial projects, and several other places. In the process, they gained a better understanding of local industrial layout, tourism facilities and services, and the plans and progress of developing intelligent economy.

Based on the survey results, Shen required the YLPTR authorities to make greater efforts in the future to promote industrial upgrading, improve services and facilities for businesses, facilitate application of digital technology in industrial sectors, and develop more local brands.

September 16, 2021

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