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YLPTR announces series of events to attract tourists

Date:2021-09-22 09:42:52|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP’s Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort (YLPTR) announced a series of events on Sept 17 in the hope of further boosting the local tourism market in this autumn and the upcoming winter, and unveiled its mascots Yangxiaocao and Chengxiaohua at the same time.

The events include cultural events, festivals, sports activities and concerts which are elaborately designed to meet the needs of different tourists. Some of the events will take place at YLPTR’s most sought-after tourist destinations such as the Suzhou Village outlets mall and the film-themed entertainment complex HB World.

“On the schedule are many evening events designed to drive nighttime spending, and a three-month camping carnival, the first of its kind in YLPTR, will start from late September,” said Qiao Jing from the Marketing Center of Suzhou Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourism Development Co Ltd, the operator of YLPTR.

To better serve tourists, two specialized shuttle bus lines have been opened this month to take tourists from the Yangcheng Lake Railway Station of Suzhou Rail Transit Line 5 to major destinations in YLPTR, and an upgraded concessionary card is being sold online to allow tourists to enjoy discounted rates during their tours.

September 17, 2021

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