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Winners of 2021 AI Expo awards unveiled

Date:2021-09-18 09:41:45|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The 2021 Global AI Product and Application Expo (AI Expo) opened in SIP on Sept 16 with an award ceremony. A number of AI enterprises, products and individuals with remarkable contributions to the development of AI industry received awards, and those from SIP caught great attention.

The awards, which celebrate entrepreneurs and start-up founders with global visions and great innovation ability, businesses with strong competitiveness in AI market and creative, industry-leading AI products, provided new accolades this year. In addition to the conventional “Top 10 Influential AI Professionals of the Year”, “Top 10 Innovative AI Businesses of the Year” and “Gold Awards for AI Products”, there are also the “Most Promising Businesses”, “Most Investment Valuable Projects” and “Best Ecosystem-based Partners”.

SIP-based Suzhou International Science-Park Center was declared one of the “Top 10 Innovative AI Businesses of the Year”, while three products from SIP won the “Gold Awards for AI Products” and one entrepreneur from the area ranked among the “Top 10 Influential AI Professionals of the Year”. Besides, six SIP-based companies were honored as “Most Promising Businesses”, while five projects as “Most Investment Valuable Projects” and five organizations as “Best Ecosystem-based Partners”.

September 16, 2021

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