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New education system to be launched in SIP late this month

Date:2021-04-09 10:25:14|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Zhang Xuefeng, a Chinese teacher well-known for his tutorials for candidates for postgraduate entrance exams, moved into SIP last month and is now working with his team to develop an education system designed to offer low-cost tutorials for candidates for college and postgraduate entrance exams at home and aboard and give them a helping hand in landing jobs. Zhang disclosed that the system including an app is expected to come into service at the end of this month.

According to Zhang, the system will boast quick access to a number of popular video sharing platforms like Bilibili and Tik Tok for easy use of their educational resources, diversified tutorials for candidates and parents, well-selected reference materials and one-on-one consultancy based on intelligent matching.

“We will tap into local talent strategies to help attract professionals to Suzhou, for example, offering opportunities for freshpersons and sophomores to visit colleges and enterprises in SIP to learn about the living and working environment in the area,” Zhang said.

April 7, 2021

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