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New head of SBT appointed

Date:2021-04-08 10:18:16|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Wang Quanxing, a National Class-A actor and former deputy director of the National Ballet of China, took the helm of Suzhou Ballet Theatre (SBT) at the beginning of this month.

Wang is well known for his remarkable contributions to cultivation of ballet professionals, creation of ballet performances and popularization of the art of ballet. As the chairman of the executive committee of China International Ballet Season and the executive member of the council of China Association of Performing Arts, he partook in the planning of a long list of ballet performances staged at home and abroad.


The new head is now making more efforts to recruit excellent performers from around the world, which he believes will be “a new driver” for SBT’s further development, while trying his best to lead SBT to win a higher reputation on stages.

April 6, 2021

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