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Nanowin starts construction on headquarters building in SIP

Date:2021-01-26 13:50:52|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Suzhou Nanowin Science and Technology Co Ltd, a developer and manufacturer of gallium nitride (GaN) single crystal substrates in SIP, started construction on its headquarters building in Nanopolis Suzhou, SIP on Jan 24. The project, with a land area of 14,000 square meters and planned floor area of about 34,000 square meters, is expected to become one of the world’s top 3 facilities for development and manufacturing of GaN single crystal substrates.

Founded in 2007, Nanowin has been dedicated to developing world-class third-generation key materials for semiconductors, and has made remarkable outcomes in making 2-inch GaN single crystal substrates and developing 4-inch and 6-inch ones.

Design sketch for the headquarters building

The new facility is estimated to manufacture 50,000 pieces of GaN single crystal substrates and epitaxial wafers each year, according to the company’s chairman Xu Ke.

January 24, 2021

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