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Specification on signing of electronic labor contracts enacted

Date:2021-01-27 11:35:36|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The Specification on Signing of Electronic Labor Contracts (hereinafter referred to as the Specification), drafted by SIP Human Resources and Social Security Bureau (SIP-HRSSB) and Suzhou Institute of Quality and Standardization under the authorization of related Suzhou authorities, was recently put into effect. The Specification, the first local specification of its kind nationwide, is designed to ensure standard and efficient use of electronic labor contracts in Suzhou.

The Specification includes specific terms such as those on relations between electronic and paper labor contracts, authentication of identities of parties concerned and management of electronic labor contracts to protect the rights and interests of both employers and employees and ensure high efficiency of electronic labor contract signing and management. It provides a guarantee for enterprises to shift to digital, low-cost human resource management.

January 25, 2021

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