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DINNAR helps propel smart manufacturing with high tech

Date:2020-10-23 12:58:03|Source:|Font Size: AAA

DINNAR, an SIP-based smart manufacturing solution supplier, recently finished the delivery of five machines that can test manufactured components and parts such as mobile phone screens and shells in four seconds.

Founded in 2010, DINNAR provides one-stop smart manufacturing solutions relying on advanced 3D visual, AI, robotic and other technologies to help propel transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing and alter the landscape of such sectors as consumer electronics and logistics.

The company invests 15% of its operating income in R&D each year. It has branches in Silicon Valley, the United States, Shenzhen in South China’s Guangdong province, and East China’s Zhejiang province, and is planning to set up an R&D headquarters in SIP. Its globally leading technologies have won it an increasing number of clients at home and broad, including many world famous enterprises.

It is learnt that the company recently raised RMB 100 million in Series B fundraising for future development of integrated software and hardware solutions for fully automatic manufacturing.

October 21, 2020

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