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FTZ in SIP promotes Suzhou-Singapore Data Circuit

Date:2020-10-23 12:49:57|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The Administrative Committee of China (Jiangsu) Pilot Free Trade Zone Suzhou Area, a free trade zone established in SIP last September, organized an event on Oct 21 to introduce “Fumaotong” Suzhou-Singapore Data Circuit to a number of biomedicine enterprises.

“Fumaotong” is a specialized data transmission circuit that recently came into operation between Suzhou and Singapore to ensure efficient cross-border data exchange for trade in services. It can solve network delay, data package dropout and a number of other technical problems in cross-border information transmission, and therefore helps enterprises facilitate international trade and lower network costs. It is now serving about 100 enterprises engaged in service trade.

At the event, engineers from Chinese telecom giants China Unicom and China Telecom gave the participating enterprise representatives a specific introduction to Fumaotong, and answered their inquiries.

American specialty engineered materials company Rogers Corporation’s Suzhou branch, one of the first users of Fumaotong, shared its experience of using the data circuit.

According to the FTZ administrative committee, it will organize other events of similar kind in the future to introduce Fumaotong to businesses in different sectors.

October 21, 2020

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