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Experts check SIP enterprise’s hazardous chemical management

Date:2020-10-22 11:15:16|Source:|Font Size: AAA

A group of experts from the Department of Emergency Management of East China’s Jiangsu province conducted an inspection on Oct 19 over the hazardous chemical management at Suzhou Tongxinyuan Supply Chain Management Co Ltd, an SIP-based supplier of chemical raw materials and products. The inspection was aimed at helping the company eliminate safety pitfalls in dealing with ammonium nitrate and other hazardous chemical substances.


At the company, the experts listened to the company executives’ introduction to their operations related to hazardous chemical substances, and checked the safety measures at its plant. Based on that, they offered suggestions on improvements in firefighting facilities and notification mechanisms, requiring the company to enhance management of hazardous chemical substances and make timely rectifications of problems detected to better ensure safety in its operations.

October 20, 2020

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