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Sub-district finishes installation of sewage systems for residents’ balconies

Date:2020-10-23 12:47:48|Source:|Font Size: AAA

SIP’s Loufeng Sub-district recently invested RMB 6.17 million to improve the local rainwater and sewage pipelines and install balcony sewage systems for residents in 122 buildings at 14 residential quarters.

The project has completed and received high praise from the residents for its effectiveness in helping curb pollution to the residential quarters’ environment.


Before the project, the residents had been used to washing clothes on their balconies and discharging the wastewater directly into the rainwater system or rivers, which caused pollution to the local waters. Now, with the balcony sewage systems, the wastewater can be collected and drained in an eco-friendly way.


Moreover, Huafeng Company, the project undertaker, renovated and cleaned the rainwater and sewage pipelines at the same time to ensure better sewage disposal.

October 21, 2020

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