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Eating cold noodles with sauces in summer is cool!

Date:2022-08-31 10:22|Source: |Visits:

People in Suzhou boil noodles, and then cool them with an electric fan to make them slippery and prevent them from sticking together.

The noodles used to make cold noodles are usually flat, and thicker than those used to make noodles with soup. When boiling the noodles, a little bit oil can be added to the water so that the noodles will look lustrous.

The cooled noodles are mixed with shredded cucumber and carrot, mung bean sprouts and, most important, the sauce, which can vary according to personal preference. Then, mix them well, and enjoy.

Wontons can be eaten in a similar way. After being boiled, the wontons are separated from the water and mixed with sauce, shredded egg crepe and chopped green onion. It is delicious.
