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Edible wild plants recommended in spring

Date:2022-03-25 19:46|Source: |Visits:

There are various wild plants in Suzhou in spring. The tender leaves of Chinese wolfberry, Indian aster, shepherd’s purse, Chinese toon, alfalfa and Chrysanthemum nankingense, pea seedlings and small garlics sell well in the market.

Indian aster  Photo by Liu Zhen

Stir-fried Chinese Toon Sprouts and Eggs is a common dish on the tables of Suzhou natives. The Chinese toon sprouts are chopped and mixed with egg liquid, and then stir-fried and added with a small amount of spices. It looks beautiful and is very delicious.

Stir-fried Chinese Toon Sprouts and Eggs  Photo by Liu Zhen

Fresh Indian aster is blanched in hot water, squeezed, chopped and mixed with smoked bean curd pieces and sesame oil. Then the dish is finished. The simple recipe can help maintain the original flavor of the Indian aster.

Indian Aster Mixed with Smoked Bean Curd  Photo by Liu Zhen

The tender leaves of alfalfa are often paired with pork braised in soy sauce, which is soft, fat but not greasy, and lustrous. The pork is put on the alfalfa leaves, and its sauce covers the leaves, making them especially delicious.

Braised Pork on Alfalfa Leaves    Photo by Hu Xiaoli

The juice of Bromus japonicas can be used to make sweet green rice balls. The original aroma of the wild grass in the glutinous balls is reminiscent of the spring scenery in the region south of the Yangtze River.

Sweet Green Rice Balls   Photo by Hu Xiaoli
