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Suzhou Hall of Fame

Date:2021-12-24 10:47:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

Located at No. 2075 Renmin Road, Suzhou Hall of Fame houses memorials to 447 famous and illustrious people born in Suzhou.

Suzhou has nourished lots of talents since the ancient times. Among them are leaders of ancient kingdoms, scholars, artists and scientists. There are historical sites and cultural relics related to them across Suzhou.

        The hall is a typical Suzhou-style building with white facades and grey roofs. The ancient-style arched door matches with the modern design perfectly.

Inside it are a line of halls laid out in a chronological order. A U-shaped LED screen loops pictures of the famous people, and the roof is covered by “stars” symbolizing the glory of the eminent.

Visitors are always amazed by the number and feats of the Suzhou-born talents.

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