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Fengmen Hengjie Street: a place to experience civil life of Suzhou

Date:2021-12-23 10:10|Source: |Visits:

When the sun rises, the old pedestrian street gets bustling, full of people coming to enjoy their breakfast. Noodles with various soups and toppings are their favorite.

There are also many people coming for the golden, deep-fried dough sticks, which are a perfect match for soybean milk.

For some, it is hard to resist the temptation of tangyuan, which are stuffed small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour. There are a diversity of opinions in terms of the fillings which can be minced meat, sweet bean paste, sesames and others.

Sticky cakes of different flavors are also worth a try.

After breakfast, many people would take home some quality food ingredients for the other meals of the day.

The pork lusters in the light of lamps, the fish are alive and kicking, and the white water chestnuts look delicious. It seems that there is everything that people expect to find.

It is common to see elder locals crowding in the seafood stores and bargaining with the sellers in local dialect.

The street is one of the best places in Suzhou to buy seasonal ingredients, especially seafood, vegetable and fruit.
