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AI industry sees accelerated development

Date:2021-01-25 10:16:00|Source:|Font Size: AAA

The development of the AI industry in SIP is speeding up. AI technologies are being widely used in not only the industrial sectors but also the daily life of the local people.


SIP’s long-term deployment for development of big data, cloud computing and other new-generation information technologies has laid a solid foundation for the development of the AI industry. The number of enterprises in SIP’s AI industry had exceeded 400 by the end of 2019, and 10 of them has gone public.


The enterprises have developed a long list of AI solutions that have been applied in manufacturing, communications, traffic management, education, medical services, financial services and many other fields to help promote local industrial development and provide convenience to local residents.


SIP’s AI ecosystem has been expanding and improving. Suzhou Supercomputing Center (SZSC), with state-of-the-art equipment, partly came into operation last March to provide both facilities and services for science and technology development and innovation. Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei inaugurated an AI innovation center in SIP’s Suzhou AI Industry Park last June with the purpose of propelling application of AI technologies in different fields.

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