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Sub-district uses short videos in training grid supervisors

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SIP’s Hudong sub-district has exemplified a good practice over the past year in using short videos to help 303 of its grid supervisors who work full-time or part-time under the local grid-based governance mechanism improve their service abilities. 
According to Hudong Community Working Committee, the sub-district consisting of 37 communities is divided into 443 grids, each with designated grid supervisors responsible of collecting public opinions, offering residents handy services, helping solve conflicts and eliminating threats to public security and providing other support in local governance. 
To help the grid supervisors gain better service abilities, the committee shot a set of short videos about local grid supervisors’ duties, working modes, work outcomes and duplicable practices, and applied the videos in training for all the grid supervisors. So far, the short videos have shown good effects in helping the grid supervisors better understand and fulfill their responsibilities.

January 3, 2019