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Overseas students celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with Chinese families

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SIP Moon Bay Community Working Committee and Renmin University of China Suzhou Campus jointly organized an event on Sept 13 when 14 overseas students from the schools celebrated the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival on the day together with local families.
In the event, the overseas students, in several groups, visited the Chinese families where they gained a better understanding of Chinese culture and enjoyed wonderful experiences. For example, several students cooked with the locals, while others tried traditional Chinese handwriting and listened to stories about traditional Chinese festivals. They also enjoyed mooncakes that Chinese usually eat on the festival as a token of good wishes for longevity and harmony.
It is learnt that SIP Moon Bay Community Working Committee started four years ago to organize events of the kind around the Mid-Autumn Festival in a bid to help overseas students in the area enhance their understanding of Chinese culture. 

September 13, 2019