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Brain pacemaker expected to help cure drug addiction

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SceneRay, a medical equipment developer started out in SIP in 2009, recently announced that it is pushing on a series of clinical trials to make deep brain stimulation (DBS) a treatment of drug addiction. The company has applied DBS in the treatment of movement disorders like Parkinson’s since 2015.
According to Chen Lei, clinical technology development director at the company, the therapy involves a surgery to implant two electrodes in an addict’s brain and a pacemaker in his or her chest to electrically stimulate targeted areas for control of drug craving.
The pacemaker is the size of a matchbox, weighing less than 40 grams.
“We’ve developed it with 118 patented technologies. It is expected to be the first of its kind in the world to be used to treat drug addiction,” Chen said.

July 2, 2019