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Painter tells stories of Chen Yifei

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The Chen Brothers’ Painting Exhibition that took place at Jinji Lake Art Museum, SIP from Apr 13 to May 7 showcased over 100 paintings by Chen Yifei (1946-2005), a renowned Chinese classic-style painter, art director, film director and entrepreneur, and his brother Chen Yiming who is apt at oil painting.

The event offered the visitors a good chance to know better about the all-around artist Chen Yifei from his works and the stories told by his brother and his friend Yang Mingyi who is also a famous painter in the country.

Yang showed up at the exhibition’s opening ceremony on Apr 13, and told a series of stories between Chen and himself. The stories demonstrated Chen’s kindness to his friends and peers and his wholehearted devotion to art creation.

Mentioning Chen’s works, Yang gave the example of Chen’s masterpiece Twin Bridges which made Zhouzhuang (a sought-after tourist destination near Suzhou) well known worldwide.

Suzhou Daily,
May 7, 2019