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Singaporean NLB officials visit SIP Library

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Tay Ai Cheng, deputy chief executive of Singapore's National Library Board (NLB), and her contingent visited SIP Library on Oct 15. After a tour around the library, the visitors exchanged with the library staff their experience in reading promotion.

The cooperation between NLB and SIP Library dates back to 2012, when the Dushu Lake Science & Education Innovation Zone Administrative Committee and NLB signed a MOU to team up in information services, librarian exchange programs and other aspects. SIP Library has a research center specializing in study on documents about China-Singapore cooperation.

In the event, the Singaporean party shared their practices in popularizing reading among the public.

"We build and run libraries based on the public opinions that we learn about through one-on-one interviews, group discussions, questionnaires and social media surveys. This helps increase people's interest in visiting and using the libraries," one of the delegation member said.

Li Chunmei, curator of SIP Library, gave the delegation an introduction to their reading promotion programs, such as the 24-hour smart library and the annual SIP Reading Season event.

October 15, 2018