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Diverse events enrich elderlies' life

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Loufeng Sub-district recently saw a variety of events designed to enrich the local elderlies' life.

One of the events took place in Donggang Jiale Community on Sept 30, when 20 middle- and old-aged residents learnt flower arrangement skills from a volunteer teacher and made beautiful bouquets using the skills.

The traditional Chinese opera class at Meihua Community started on Sept 28, attracting many retirees. In the first session, the teacher performed an episode of Shanghai Opera together with one of the participants and then taught them to perform another work line by line.

On the same day, Meixiang Community convened a meeting with local retirees, encouraging them to join the activities at the sub-district's Happy Retirees' Home, an organization with retirees serving as volunteers to organize diverse art and sports events for their contemporaries, and informing them of the schedule of a local painting, calligraphy and photography competition tailored for retirees.

October 9, 2018