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Landscaping projects launched at JLSA and Huxi CBD

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Two landscaping projects were recently launched at Jinji Lake Scenic Area(JLSA) and Huxi CBD in a bid to further beautify the environment. The projects are expected to complete in May.

The project in JLSA includes flower zones at five main tourist attractions as well as seven flower gardens and eight theme woods around Jinji Lake, aimed at providing the citizens and tourists with different visual experiences at different times and places.

The one in Huxi CBD covers the median strips, greening belts and sidewalks at four roads, laying emphasis on creating unique color effects with plants.

Additionally, street lamps will be renovated or installed to enhance the beauty of landscapes at night, according to Xu Jinfang, deputy director of SIP Comprehensive Urban Management and Law Enforcement Office.


March 9, 2018