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Enjoying Taiwanese Snacks and Performance at Link City

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Oyster omelet, one of the most popular snacks at the night market

The performance of "Electric-Techno Neon Gods"

At the food market

Ice cream disguised as potted plants

Yummy snacks

A clown is blowing into a heart-shaped balloon

Spicy crabs

Shihlin Night Market, located in Taipei as one of the most famous and largest night markets in Taiwan, has become a brand food festival, and it opens 40 booths from ten in the morning to eight at night on October 1-7 at the west square of Link City in Suzhou Industrial Park. The seven-day event also features "Electric-Techno Neon Gods", a sub-cultural performance combining traditional Taiwan folk performance with modern pop music, and the shows by the indigenous people of the island.

October 3, 2014