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Classic Poem Recitation by Artists to Musical Accompaniment

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Xue Fei

Dilber Yunus

Kang Zhuang

Xiao Xiong

Qiao Zhen

Ding Jianhua

Pu Cunxin

On the evening of September 17, a group of the country's most prestigious artists, including Pu Cunxin, Xiao Xiong, Ding Jianhua, Qiao Zhen, Dilber Yunus, Xue Fei, and Kang Zhuang, gave recitations of classic Chinese poetry to the accompaniment of music played by Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra at Suzhou Culture & Arts Center. This is also one of the performances scheduled during Jinji Lake Arts Festival 2014.

The poem recitation is entitled "May Everyone Live a Long Life", a line from Su Shi's "Prelude to Water Melody" and one of the best-known lines of ancient Chinese poems. The repertoire includes "Bringing in the Wine" by Li Bai, "On Yueyang Tower" by Fan Zhongyan, "A Song about My Cottage Wrecked by Autumn Wind" by Du Fu, "Story of a Pipa Player", "The Everlasting Regret" by Bai Juyi, and "Phoenix Hairpin" by Lu You.

September 18, 2014