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Regular watercourse protection mechanism helps maintain beautiful water views

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The effective regular watercourse protection mechanism that SIP Moon Bay Community Working Committee is carrying out is helping make the water views in SIP’s Moon Bay sub-district an eye-catcher. 
The regular watercourse protection mechanism boasts four steps to supervise and manage water quality, including detecting pollutants by checking the water surfaces and banks with eyes and smelling the water, asking residents living near the waters for their advice on water management, and quickly responding to any problems discovered. Under the mechanism, the local river system has been divided into several grids, each with designated persons in charge of the water management in the grid.
Moreover, SIP Moon Bay Community Working Committee encourages local residents to join the daily water quality supervision and protection activities such as helping expose illegal sewage discharge and clearing litter away from river banks. 
The committee said it will enhance regular patrols over the local watercourses and enlist more social forces to join the local water protection campaigns in the future.

December 24, 2019