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Youngsters join environmental protection

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SIP Moon Bay Community Working Committee recently organized two events where a number of local youngsters did their bit in environmental protection.
One of the events took place on Aug 21 in Hanlinyuan Community where the committee is pushing on a pilot program which encourages the residents to grow green plants and flowers in designated zones near their homes with organic fertilizers made of kitchen waste to help beautify the public spaces in the community.
In the event, the participating youngsters and their parents painted used tires and used them to decorate the small “gardens” built under the program. In the process, they also gained a good knowledge of kitchen waste recycling and its significance.
In another event on Aug 23, a group of youngsters collected expired drugs from the residents and delivered them to designated recycling bins for later disposal.
The committee said that the events showed good effects in increasing youngsters’ awareness and knowledge of environmental protection, and that it will organize more events of similar kind in the future.

August 25, 2019