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SIP company aids in 2019-nCoV prevention and control with advanced technology

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MedicalSystem, a clinical information system and digital hospital solution supplier in SIP, is helping prevent and control the recent outbreak of pneumonia caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) with its industry-leading technology.
    The company installed a smart first-aid system earlier for Wuhan Emergency Center in Wuhan, the hardest-hit city in Central China’s Hubei province, and provided information-based ICU systems for 30-plus hospitals in the city. It also decided to donate such ICU systems to two new hospitals that Wuhan authorities announced to quickly build up as makeshift hospitals dedicated to treating patients infected by 2019-nCoV. The company’s engineers are standing by to offer any technical support to the organizations at any time.

In the picture above is MedicalSystem’s smart first-aid system which consists of command center, intelligent ambulance and modules for vehicle networking, remote expert consultation, electronic record generation and transmission and service quality control.
Additionally, the company is providing assistance of the same kind to other epidemic-stricken areas such as East China’s Jiangsu province, South China’s Guangdong province and Chongqing, a municipality in Southwest China.

February 2, 2020